Welcome to the Grove!
England-Idlewild Park
5550 Idlewild Road
Burlington, Kentucky
The Aviation Memorial was dedicated on November 26, 2011 at England Idlewild Park in Burlington, Kentucky and provides the focal point of the Aviation Memorial Grove. The memorial consists of 3 plaques commemorating the accidents of TWA Flight 694, American Airlines Flight 383, and TWA Flight 128. Land use for the grove was provided by Boone County Judge Executive Gary Moore in 2011 and approved by the victim's families. The plaques were designed and manufactured by Mike Major Sculpture LLC of Urbana, Ohio. The plaques were researched and written by the Flight 694/383/128 Memorial Group. The pedestal for the plaques was designed by Harvey Pelley. Construction of the pedestal was done by Harold "Hook" Vines, Harvey Pelley and his sons, Harvey "Hoagie" Pelley Jr. and John Pelley. Funding for the project was provided by private donations.
The grove is an ongoing project with plans to add additional trees and shrubs around the memorial. Benches have been placed around at the memorial. We also have provided additional plaques at the grove which commemorate the memory of passengers lost on Comair Flight 444 {October 8, 1979} and Air Canada Flight 797 {June 2, 1983}.
The memorial was a culmination of a 3 year endeavor by the Flight 694/383/128 Memorial Group commencing on March 27, 2009 when Linda Holbrook, Mark Free, and Rollie Puterbaugh gathered for the first time at the Cincinnati Airport Marriott to discuss the feasibility of placing a memorial in Northern Kentucky. In the years that followed, several locations were considered for the placement of the memorial including Holscher Park on the grounds of the airport, the Lents Branch of the Boone County Public Library, the historical area in downtown Burlington and where it now stands in the England Idlewild Park.
The aviation memorial and grove is open to the public during normal park hours and offers family members and local residents a quiet location to reflect and remember those who were lost in these events in the 1950s,1960s, 1970s 1980s. Upon entering the park, turn left at the first intersection. The location is several hundred yards down the road on the right side. Ample free parking is available.
**694 Plaque is the result of the efforts of the Jack Zint family.